資格試験・資格取得の情報サイト>USCPA(米国公認会計士)>合格者の声| USCPA(米国公認会計士)>For 18 months, my life was only full-time job and CPA study, but I’m glad I made it at the end! |USCPA合格者の声

USCPA試験 合格体験記|H.Wさん

For 18 months, my life was only full-time job and CPA study, but I’m glad I made it at the end!




合格実績 USCPA試験 ワシントン州
合格年月 2021年1月
FAR 77点(2020年6月/ 1回目)
BEC 87点(2020年6月/ 1回目)
REG 75点(2020年9月/ 1回目)
AUD 77点(2020年12月/ 4回目)

I want to pursue a career that is related to Finance and Accounting, so I thought taking the USCPA would be a perfect way to not only gain an in-depth knowledge of all the areas necessary to be a professional in this field, but also having this certificate would show my determination, qualifications and capabilities.


英語知識:TOEFL ®iBT:110点


Because TAC is a very famous school in Japan and it is the only place that provides Becker.


I really really liked TAC’s summary notes, especially for REG. I used it like a Bible because the summary is straight to the point and is organized in a logical way. It would have taken me forever to create the notes to that quality on my own. I passed REG on my first try, the credit definitely goes to TAC’s summary notes and study materials.
I think Becker is the most comprehensive study material that can help a student to fully prepare for the exam. The material format is very similar to the actual exam’s, so there were no surprises on the test day.


Approximately 1 year of study, and I passed the exams in 6 months, so in total 18 months.


I started studying by watching all the TAC videos. while I listened to the lectures, I was making my own summary notes. The first round of studying for all the 4 subjects took me around 7 months. My pace was slow because I am working full time, so I had to get up at 4:30 or 5:00 every day and study after I finish my work at night. I wanted to take BEC first because I wanted to start with a subject that is easier for me, but no one thought because of COVID-19, I couldn't take the exam as planned in April. I didn't know when the test center will open again, and it would be a waste of time to study BEC over and over again, so I decided to take FAR as my first subject instead.
I used BECKER as my main study material. In order to know how many questions I need to do each day, I created an excel spreadsheet to manage all my daily progress. Making notes was also very critical for me to see the connections between each chapter, and the overall picture. I think for the multiple-choice questions, I did at least 3 times. For the SIM questions, the first round I did the questions one by one, and it was very time consuming, so the second round, I only looked at each question, and then pictured how I should approach it, then looked at the answers. The main focus was to know the logic, not to memorize the answers.

Since I studied business courses during my undergrad, BEC was not a hard subject for me. The only area I tried to focus on was cost accounting, but TAC’s notes, again, are very good, so I followed TAC way to draw different boxes and everything became very easy to solve. For the essay questions, I printed all the BECKER answers, and then read each one of them carefully. Instead of purely memorizing, I tried to see what the logic was behind each answer.

I was lucky to pass REG on my first try and the grade was exactly on the passing line, 75. I felt REG was the hardest exam out of all. The first time after I studied all the REG material, I couldn't understand or remember what I learnt. But I repeated the materials until I could start to get a sense of it. Meanwhile, I used the TAC’s summary booklet a lot, and also did the厳選問題 at least 5 times. So if you don’t understand the material on your first try, don’t worry, just keep repeating to read the textbook and keep practicing, eventually you will understand the material.

Initially, I thought AUD was easy because there are not many calculation questions, but I was totally wrong. I failed 3 times……
I realized my study method was wrong, I tried to memorize all the details and flows, but I don’t understand why certain things are done in certain ways, and the purpose behind each action. So, I brought a very large piece of blank paper, then started to put all the key points on it. By the end, I started to see the whole picture, how each key point is linked with one another. Because I could see a clearer connection and relationship among different topics, I could spot which section the question is testing on by purely reading the question, so it was a lot easier for me to find the correct answer.


The overall application process was very time-consuming, I started early in advance to give myself extra time just in case something went wrong. However, 2 weeks after I requested Bradley University to send my transcript, I started applying for the NTS letter. After a few weeks, the system showed I was not qualified because I didn’t have sufficient credits. I immediately called the customer service, and after an investigation, they realized the transcript was received, but it was not yet processed. I would advise people to leave more time after sending the Bradley University transcript and before applying for the NTS letter.


I gained a deeper understanding of why whenever we process the vendor invoice, we need to submit the invoice, the contract and the deliverables confirmation check sheet to the account payable department.

I learnt the overall project management process in more detail and the role of IT for Accounting and Finance. I learnt the importance of proper budgeting and forecasting, the necessity to analyze variances on a regular basis and the criticality of ensuring the financial health when managing a project.

I realized why separation of duties is important from learning Auditing and why the compliance department requires us to store all the documents for at least 7 years.


This exam is certainly not easy but it is not an exam that is impossible to pass.

To be honest, there were many times when I felt stressed and wondered if I could ever pass the exams, but I always reminded myself to never give up, great things take time and I always imagined how happy I would be when I receive the license.

With the strong sense of determination, I worked very hard and went through the test bank thousands of times. Now looking back, this exam is not purely an exam, but it is training for an individual’s mindset, lifestyle, belief, perseverance and self-control. But, always remember “The best view comes after the hardest climb”. I wish everyone the best of luck!


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